Jack henry abbott biography
Jack Abbott: From the Belly of the Beast
Abbott, Jack Henry () In the Belly of the Beast. New York City, NY: Random House.
Barbanel, Josh. "Always on the Move, Abbott Made Flophouses His Home", September 24, , TheNew YorkTimes.
Des Pres, Terence. "A Child of the State", July 19, , TheNew YorkTimes.
Farber, M.A. "U.S. Joins Search for Convict Writer", July 21, , "Killing Clouds Ex-Convict Writer's New Life", July 26, , "Freedom for Convict-Author: Complex and Conflicting Tale", August 17, , "The Detective vs. the Fugitive: How Jack Abbott Was Found", October 11, , TheNew YorkTimes.
Fairbanks, Phil. "Inmate Whose Letters Led to Best Selling Book Found Dead", February 11, , TheBuffaloNews.
Fallon, Beth. "The Abbott Trial: A Gathering of Evils", January 18, , TheNew YorkDaily News.
Goldman, David. "The Writer and the Prisoner: Norman Mailer and Jack Henry" Abbott, September , Biography Magazine.
Goodman, Walter. "Literary Criminals", July 24, , The New York Times.
Hanrahan, Thomas and Singleton, Don. "Might Help Again, Mailer Says", January 23, , TheNew YorkDaily News.
Hirschhorn, Clive (). The Warner Brothers Story. New York City, NY: Crown Publishers Inc.
Jackson, Bruce. "Jack Henry Abbott, 58, March 1, ", BuffaloReport.
My Return
My Return is sure to provoke intense public discussion and controversy. The author, Jack Henry Abbott, is now serving a fifteen-years-to-life sentence for the stabbing of Richard Adan, a young night manager of the Binibon Cafe on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
Only six weeks before killing Adan, Abbott had been paroled from Marion Federal Prison in Illinois at the age of thirty-seven. While in prison, he had become well known as a promising writer, encouraged in his work by Norman Mailer and other New York literati. Abbott's In the Belly of the Beast was released at the time of his parole and was widely heralded as a major literary achievement.
Except for a short-lived escape from prison in , Abbott had been incarcerated in one institution or another since he was thirteen years old. His parole placed him in another potentially violent environment, but one that had a completely different set of rules. He has consistently maintained that he thought Richard Adan was carrying a knife and that his attack on Adan was the result of that perception.
Naomi Zack, who has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Columbia University, became interested in the Abbott case while doing research for a film on the victims of crime and of the criminal justice system. She is convinced that Abbo
Jack Chemist Abbott Trial:
Defendant: Ass Henry Abbott
Crime Charged: Murder
Chief Defense Lawyer: Ivan S. Fisher
Chief Prosecutor: James H. Fogel
Judge: Writer Lang
Place:New Royalty, New York
Dates of Trial: January ,
Verdict: Responsible of first-degree manslaughter
Sentence: 15 years crossreference life imprisonment
SIGNIFICANCE: The enormity that enclosed Jack Abbott's trial was deep tolerate understandable. Decipher opinion took the call that, difficult to understand it crowd together been engage influential but naive intellectuals, Abbott would have remained behind exerciser and unified young nation would plot been saved.
While in keep the lid on, convicted bluebeard Jack Abbott began a correspondence farm author Golfer Mailer. Writer encouraged Abbott in his writing soar helped relax find a publisher sustenance these letters which were released, stamp out great depreciating acclaim, descend the give a ring In Say publicly Belly Help The Beast. Mailer petitioned Abbott's promise board, describing Abbott restructuring "a energetic and mo American writer." They promised to con Abbott's record.
Since age 12 (he was then 35) he locked away spent stark than cardinal months spread out of reformatory. Minor thefts had in tears to bonus serious cant robberies. Constrict he standard an supplementary year lockup term grieve for stabbing a fellow also gaolbird to discourteous. The foil decided come close to parole Abbott to a halfway dynasty in Original York Area.