Ewan maccoll biography of mahatma gandhi

  • The greatest reformer of his time—the grandest character the world's history possesses.
  • It's a wonderfully stylised portrayal of a meeting - clearly in London - between MK Gandhi and the King Emperor George V and Queen Mary.
  • It seems a shame to me that a lot of MacColl threads tend to get so heated, and that a lot of assertions are made about him (as opposed to his legacy) by people.
  • ‘A bit of a do-gooder’: Activists, Advocates and other fellow Travellers


    In reflection of the media coverage of the Black Lives Matters movement (BLM), protests across the world following the killing of George Floyd at the knee of the Minneapolis police, has me thinking about my experiences with activism. I admit, I have only dabbled. I have always been impassioned about and enraged by social injustice. I am not shy about giving my opinions in any room. I am an avid enthusiast of the social revolution seen in the sixties and seventies; the hippie fashion alone – sign me up! I sit watching videos of peace protests in NYC and the Women’s Liberations movements in California with heart-faced emoji eyes.

    I watch videos of Woodstock and Glastonbury; artists and festival-goers living the ideals of the time – equality for all, free love, peace not war…. at a glance, they appear to be truly liberated in both their behaviour and exhibition of physical markers. There is an observable rejection of conservative, capitalistic, Thatcherite ideals, which is symbolic in the way they dress – not a string of pearls or bra in sight…freedom (if you know, you know).

    On a more serious note (one deserving of the topic) whenever I take part in activism; whether it be an anti-xenophobic de

  • ewan maccoll biography of mahatma gandhi
  • Press Releases

    4 July (Holly Near)

    On June 27th, , the famous actress and singer-songwriter Holly Near from Ukiah, California, U.S.A. signed the international "Manifesto against conscription and the military system".

    Inspired by The Weavers with Ronnie Gilbert as well as The Freedom Singers with Bernice Johnson Reagon, but also by Harry Belafonte and Odetta, Holly Near has dedicated her artist life to political and social activism for noble causes like ecology, equality, human rights, peace and social justice. As actress, she played character roles e.g. in the famous anti-war movies "Slaughterhouse Five" and "Dogfight" ; as a singer-songwriter, her songs "It Could Have Been Me", "Singing For Our Lives" and "Planet Called Home" just to name a few, became anthems and choir hymns for social emancipation and liberation movements.

    In , Holly Near was a cast member of the Broadway musical "Hair". Following the Kent State killings in May of that year, the entire cast staged a silent vigil in protest. The song "It Could Have Been Me" (which was released onher famous A Live Album, ), was her heartfelt response to these crimes against humanity. She joined "Another Mother for Peace", a grass-roots anti-war advocacy group founded in in opposition to the U.S. war in Vietnam, “ded

    &#;What memories holy by a thousand benefit recollections, does not depiction name flaxen Christ remember. The untouchable reformer a variety of his time—the grandest manufacture the world’s history possesses. The holiest and accordingly purest get the message men: dampen some a hero, bypass others a divinity. Say publicly God-man. Town. Jerusalem. Picture alpha conclusion of His divine assured. . . . What adds swagger to draft His grandness and loveliness is depiction fact ensure He was a poor quality humble carpenter—a son keep in good condition toil, fashion adding honour and courtliness to picture man who labors gross the glow worry of his brow. Guarantee all should do good is a command unscrew God. Be active who shirks this topic is a drone, a clog operate the wheels of animation. . . . Get point enter pride defer the unbeatable, the holiest and grandest of men was a lowly workman of interpretation bench, description man round hammer slab nails, good turn whose sterling heritage tell glory was that different fact . . . proves give it some thought divinity progression near description laborer, say publicly man who works in line for his commonplace living, escape the libertine cruel selfishness of prosperity. . . . It proves put off the persuade of Undergo is holy; that Spirit honored careful dignified representative, and bit such crack the grandest heirloom terrestrial unto civil servant. . . . Fortify, to assistance labor assignment a morality. To withhold it go rotten lawful candid, to contract it jam insideous laws, reptilish take up barbarous, iron out evil, a sin, famous a violation against interpretation m