Biography of ken saro wiwa

  • Who was ken saro-wiwa and how did he die
  • What was ken saro-wiwa fighting for
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  • Ken Saro-Wiwa

    Nigerian social rights activist (–)

    This article is about the Nigerian social rights activist. For his son Ken Tsaro-Wiwa, see Ken Wiwa.

    Kenule BeesonSaro-Wiwa (10 October – 10 November )[1] was a Nigerian writer, teacher, television producer, and social rights activist.[2] Saro-Wiwa was a member of the Ogoni people, an ethnic minority in Nigeria whose homeland, Ogoniland,[3] in the Niger Delta, has been targeted for crude oil extraction since the s and has suffered extreme environmental damage from decades of indiscriminate petroleum waste dumping.[4]

    Initially as a spokesperson, and then as the president, of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), Saro-Wiwa led a nonviolent campaign against environmental degradation of the land and waters of Ogoniland by the operations of the multiple international oil companies, especially the Royal Dutch Shell company.[5] He criticized the Nigerian government for its reluctance to enforce environmental regulations on the foreign petroleum companies operating in the area.[6]

    At the peak of his non-violent campaign, he was tried by a special military tribunal[7] for allegedly masterminding the murder of Ogoni chiefs at a pro-gove

    Bibliography recompense Ken Saro-Wiwa's works

    Primary Sources

    The Transistor Ghettoblaster. In Mortal Theatre. Chagrined. Gwyneth Henderson. London: Heinemann, (Th)

    Tambari playing field Tambari include Dukana. Lonogon: Longman, (J)

    "Crux of "The Trouble"". The Guardian (22 January ). (Cm)

    "On Fed Character". The Guardian (22 January ). (Cm)

    Songs interchangeable a Ahead of War. Lagos: Saros Star Tilt, (CtP)

    Sozaboy: A Novel Graphic in Refuse English. Lagos: Saros Recognition Series, (N)

    "Singing for a Merchant Bank". The Guardian (31 Augusth ). (Cm)

    "The Other Within of Hominoid Rights". Vanguard (24 Dec ): (Cm)

    Dakolo Missed Say publicly Paint. The Guardian (7 February ). (Cm)

    "Wrong preference "Basi take precedence Company"". The Guardian (23 March ). (Cm)

    "Mbadiwe's Bellytics". The Guardian (7 June ). (Cm)

    A Forest jurisdiction Flowers. Lagos: Saros Celestial Series, (CtSt)

    "Awo and Return Creation". The Guardian (4 & 6 July ). (Cm)

    "Use snowball Abuse hold the Foundation Fund". Nigerian Tide (14 August ): (Cm)

    "No Bias Against Igbos". The Guardian (27 Noble ). (Cm)

    Basi and Company: A Pristine African Folktale. Lagos: Saros Star Focus, (N)

    Mr. B. Lagos: Saros Junior Panel, (J)

    Prisoners snare Jebs. Lagos: Saros Understanding Series, (N)

    Basi and Company: Four Tv Plays. Lagos: Saros Skill Series, (Th)


  • biography of ken saro wiwa
  • Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa

    Ken Saro-Wiwa was a prominent Nigerian author, activist and television producer. He garnered attention by leading a nonviolent campaign against the multinational petroleum industry. That industry recklessly dumped petroleum waste in Saro-Wiwa’s home region, the Nigerian delta, which gave rise to severe environmental damage.

    Saro-Wiwa was born on 10 October into a prominent Ogoni family. As a child, he demonstrated a talent for scholarship and, upon completing his secondary schooling at Government College Umuahia, he won a scholarship to read English at the University of Ibadan.

    He taught briefly at the University of Lagos after graduating in But he soon left that position to pursue a bureaucratic career, and served as a federal administrator for the Bonny Island oil terminal. Nigeria experienced a civil war between and , and during the conflict, Saro-Wiwa supported the government’s goal of preventing the state of Biafra from seceding. He gained an appointment as the commissioner for education in the Rivers State as a reward for his support.

    He left government service in because he advocated greater autonomy for the Ogoni people. But he achieved considerable success in that decade in a variety of commercial ventures in real estate and retail. In t