Yossi azulay biography of alberta

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    at small 1873 join at smallest 1877
     - George Goodman(lvii)

    circa 1889/90 - L.S. Abraham(lviii)

    1895-1904 - Marks Freedman(lix)

    1904-1905 - D. Cohen

    1905-1906 - Marks Freedman

    1906-1907 - D. Corkland

    1907-1908 - Marks Freedman

    1908-1911 - Aaron King

    1911-1913 - A. Levi

    1913-1917 - S. Elkan

    1917-1918 - A. Corkland

    circa 1920 - T. Shepherd(lx)

    1921-1925 - S. Elkan

    1925-1927 - H. Bernstein

    1927-1928 - S. Elkan(lxiii)

    1928-1931 - observations contradictory

    The masses served whereas the president
    during that period but dates conflict:

    A. Corkland;(lxiv)

    H. Bernstein;(lxv)

    N.M. Nevies.(lxvi)

    1931-1938 - S. Elkan(lxvii)

    1938-1947 - S. Elkan (Life President)(lxx)

    1947-1948 - S. Littlestone

    1948-1954 - S. Elkan

    1954-1955 - N.M. Nevies(lxxi)

    1955-date unnamed - J. Beatus(lxxii)

  • yossi azulay biography of alberta
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    1872 - A.K. Meyer(lxi)

    1874 - M.J. Rudelsheim(lxix)

    1896-1900 - L. Abrahams

    1900-1901 - L. Finestone

    1901-1906 - Isaac Guttenburg

    1906-1912 - Jacob Guttenburg

    1912-1918 - Rabbi B.I. Cohen

    1918-1919 - Harry Blaskey

    1919-1920 - H. Goodman

    1920-1921 - Harry Blaskey

    1921-1924 - M. Winstone

    1924-1927 - Cllr. Harry Morris

    1927-1934 - Eric A. Finestone

    (1927-1928 - Secretary: I.P. Walton)

    1934-1937 - Eric A. FinestoneIsidore Lewis

    1937-1940 - Isidore LewisMaurice Lewis

    1940-1946 - Isidore Lewis

    1946-1953 - Jack Newman

    Arielle (she/her) served as a rabbinic intern here at Rodeph Sholom in the summer of 2023 through the Tisch Fellowship. She was ordained in May, 2024 by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York and joined CRS as Assistant Rabbi in July.

    Arielle’s Jewish journey started as a child growing up in the Conservative movement before she found her home within the Reform movement. While at HUC-JIR, Arielle served as rabbinic intern at Columbia-Barnard Hillel, Congregation B’nai Shalom in Bristol, TN, and as a rabbinic fellow with the Center for Small Town Jewish Life in Maine. Arielle has taught adults and youth across the world, including with the Union for Reform Judaism, Jewish Learning Collaborative, and as a visiting instructor at Colby College. She is passionate about integrating Judaism and visual art, a topic explored in her rabbinic thesis, an illustrated exploration of the Song of Songs and its medieval commentary. In addition to her rabbinic studies, Arielle also holds a BFA in Studio Art from New York University.