Tamara la roux biography of mahatma
The Acclimatize of Nature a "Fit and Proper" Person desire the Licit Profession
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De Intermingling
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Du Plessis
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520 records
Abdeta, Samuel Mokonen
Samuel Mokonen Abdeta was born and grew up in Ethiopia. He obtained his LL. B at College of Law and Governance Studies of …
Abraham, Faith Abel
Faith Abel Abraham is a Nigerian, who obtained his legal education and began his professional legal career in Ukraine prior to enrolling for …
Acharya, Elina
Elina Acharya is a lawyer from Nepal. She holds a master’s degree in international and Commercial Law from National Law College, Tribhuvan University, …
External faculty
Addor, Felix
Prof. Dr. Felix Addor serves as the Deputy Director General of the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (Swiss Ministry of Justice), the …
Agah, Nguvan Faith
Nguvan Faith Agah was born and brought up in Nigeria. She successfully obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration after which she started …
Alumni, Non-Res. Fellows
Ahmad, Zaker
Zaker, a graduate of the MILE 13 class, obtained his Dr. iur. degree from the WTI in 2020. He also holds LLB and …
Ahmadzai, Khwaja Muhammad
Topic of Dissertation: Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Economic Growth in Landlocked Low income Countries I was born in Afghanistan. I obtained my …