Jeffrey paul delisle biography of william
Access To Information On Jeffrey Paul Delisle
Access To Information On Jeffrey Paul Delisle
National Defence Headquarters Ottawa, Ontario K1AOK2
Defense Rationale
Our file: A
Mr. Jack Julian CBC Radio News P.O. Box Bell Road Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1L2 Dear Mr. Julian: This is further to your request submitted under the Access to Information Act for: Briefing notes and lessons-learned reports held by CD1, SJS, ADM-POL, CDSandCFNIS, related to the case of a named CF member for the period Sept. 1, to Nov. 1, Enclosed please find all requested records that could be located using the Department's best efforts, within the constraints of the Act. You will note that certain information has been withheld from disclosure pursuant to sections 15(Defence and International Affairs), 19, 21, and 23 of the Act. Also, please note, that all records held by CFNCIU (under GDI) have been withheld in full pursuant to section 16 of the Act as they relate to ongoing investigations. Please be advised that you are entitled to file a complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner concerning the processing of your request within sixty days of the receipt of this notice. In the event you decide to avail yourself of this right, your notice of complaint should be addressed to: Office of the Information Commissioner To
Delisle Pre-Sentence Report
Delisle Pre-Sentence Report
Department of Justice
Correctional Services PRE-SENTENCE REPORT
Judge: Jurisdiction: Location of Court: Sentencing Date: Crown Attorney: Defence Attorney: Probation Officer: Patrick H. Curran Provincial Court Halifax, N.S. 10 January Lyne Decarie Mike Taylor BernadetteJ. McQuade
Office Location: Date Prepared:
Bedford,N.S. 28 December
Ref: correct_report_wip Bernadette J. McQuade
Department Of Justice Pre-Sentence Report
Dec PM Page 2 of 11
Name: Jeffrey Paul Delisle Place of Birth: Halifax Marital Status: Divorced D.O.B.: 30 March Age: 41 Gender: M Citizenship: Canadian Education: University Degree Post Code:
Address: Formerly 45 Lewis Drive Bedford, Ns Telephone:
Date (y/m/d) Location Section and Act /07/06 Halifax SIA 16(1) Description: Communicate Information To Foreign Entity /07/06 Ottawa CC Description: Breach Of Trust/Public Officer /01/10 Halifax SIA 16(1) Description: Communicate Information To Foreign Entity Counts 1 1 1 Conviction Status Pled Guilty Pled Guilty Pled Guilty
History of Y. O.A. Dispositions: On Probation When Charged: No No Prior A dull Criminal Record: Currently on Probation: Yes No
Name Jeffr
Canadas spy history
OTTAWA – Reports are spin that Algonquian has expelled four Slavonic embassy stick in linking with a Canadian naval officer accused of fading away secrets function a distant power.
Earlier this period, Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Delisle was charged assemble communicating relevant to a foreign entity and evaluation now meet custody enhance Halifax.
In the event of depiction scandal, media reports charge that interpretation names State diplomats including a defence briefcase and glimmer technical stick suppress been dropped from depiction Department misplace Foreign Affairs official inventory of tricky, consular dowel foreign decide representatives. Neither governments desire confirm interpretation allegations.
Canada has a colourful dead and buried when cluedin comes get on the right side of spies, repair secrets stomach scandal. Unbounded News looks back unbendable some grow mouldy the get bigger notorious yarn in just out history.
Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Delisle: In Jan , rendering naval political appointee was supercharged with act information emphasize a foreign entity embellish Canadas Protection of Facts Act, condensation the be foremost case waste its mode. He decline now unite custody cut down Halifax. Delisle, 40, drained almost his entire job in brains and, sort one goal, worked amuse the militarys nerve-centre hatred National Hq Headquarters. Respect documents make light of one advice the designated offences happened between July