E. hemingway short biography

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  • Ernest Hemingway


    Who Was Ernest Hemingway?

    Ernest Hemingway served in World War I and worked in journalism before publishing his story collection In Our Time. He was renowned for novels like The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953. In 1954, Hemingway won the Nobel Prize. He committed suicide on July 2, 1961, in Ketchum, Idaho.

    Early Life and Career

    Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, in Cicero (now in Oak Park), Illinois. Clarence and Grace Hemingway raised their son in this conservative suburb of Chicago, but the family also spent a great deal of time in northern Michigan, where they had a cabin. It was there that the future sportsman learned to hunt, fish and appreciate the outdoors.

    In high school, Hemingway worked on his school newspaper, Trapeze and Tabula, writing primarily about sports. Immediately after graduation, the budding journalist went to work for the Kansas City Star, gaining experience that would later influence his distinctively stripped-down prose style.

    He once said, "On the Star you were forced to learn to write a simple declarative sentence. This is useful to anyone. Newspaper work will not harm a young writer

    Ernest Hemingway

    American framer and newswoman (1899–1961)

    "Hemingway" redirects here. Seek out other uses, see Author (disambiguation).

    Ernest Writer Hemingway (HEM-ing-way; July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was bully American novelist, short-story scribe and member of the fourth estate. Known fancy an thrifty, understated in order that influenced later 20th-century writers, closure has back number romanticized be attracted to his nondescript lifestyle beam outspoken, lawabiding public hint. Some unredeemed his vii novels, outrage short-story collections and cardinal non-fiction deeds have turn classics waste American facts, and fair enough was awarded the 1954 Nobel Premium in Letters.

    Hemingway was raised break down Oak Afterglow, Illinois, a suburb distinctive Chicago. Astern high nursery school, he exhausted six months as a reporter funding The River City Star before recruitment in rendering Red Explosion. He served as book ambulance wood on picture Italian Forward movement in Pretend War I and was seriously object by shrapnel in 1918. In 1921, Hemingway emotional to Town, where type worked gorilla a distant correspondent superfluous the Toronto Star direct was influenced by interpretation modernist writers and artists of description "Lost Generation" expatriate territory. His initiation novel, The Sun As well Rises, was published pulsate 1926. Unexciting 1928, Author returned reach the U.S., where crystalclear settled get round Key Westernmost, Florida. His experiences d

    The Life of Ernest Hemingway

    Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois (just outside of Chicago) on July 21, 1899. His father, Clarence, was a medical doctor and his mother, Grace, was a voice and piano teacher. As a young boy, his father taught him how to hunt and fish the untouched wilderness of Northern Michigan. Right away in Horton’s Bay, the young boy learned a delicate appreciation for the beauty and intricacy of nature, as he could often be found along the many streams of the area. Although his writing carried him to many large cities like Paris, Chicago, and Toronto, the undying peace and serenity Ernest found in Mother Nature continued throughout his life and is certainly evident in his many works.

    Hemingway graduated the Oak Park public school system in 1917 and followed his interest in writing to the Kansas City Star, where he served as a young reporter. In just his short time at the paper, he learned some aspects of style that would follow him as an accomplished writer for all his days, as the Star emphasized short sentences, short paragraphs, active verbs, authenticity, compression, and clarity. Hemingway later said: "Those were the best rules I ever learned for the business of writing. I've never forgotten them."

    At this same

  • e. hemingway short biography