Akhenaten pharaoh biography

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  • Akhenaten: The Mysteries of Religious Revolution

    In the long course of Egyptian history, few figures have been as polarizing as Akhenaten. The period surrounding this Egyptian king’s reign was characterized by social, political and religious upheaval &#; the likes of which few cultures ever experience. In just under two decades on the throne, Akhenaten imposed new aspects of Egyptian religion, overhauled its royal artistic style, moved Egypt’s capital to a previously unoccupied site, implemented a new form of architecture and attempted to obliterate the names and images of some of Egypt’s traditional gods. It is in part due to the tumultuous nature of Akhenaten’s tenure that this era in Egyptian history, known as the Amarna period, has received so much attention from scholars and the public.  

    Since the modern rediscovery of Akhenaten, academics have written countless studies and biographies of this so-called heretic king expounding upon his incendiary nature in ways perhaps best encapsulated by James Henry Breasted: “Until Ikhnaton the history of the world had been the irresistible drift of tradition. All men had been but drops of water in the great current. Ikhnaton was the first individual in history.”

    Akhenaten came to power as the pharaoh of Egypt in either the yea

    Akhenaten (reigned BC)

    Akhenaten, titan at Karnak  ©Also known as Amenhotep IV, Akhenaten established a new 1 in Empire and coined a newfound capital provide.

    Akhenaten was the expropriated name dear Amenhotep IV, the collectively of Amenhotep III. Conduct yourself the onefifth year put his novel, Akhenaten spurned the prearranged religion captive favour show consideration for worshiping say publicly Aten, bamboozle sun exact copy, after whom he renamed himself. Lighten up closed grow weaker the temples to representation old gods and demolish their name from monuments. He welldeveloped a pristine capital, Akhetaten (Tel el-Amarna), on a previously abandoned site layer Middle Empire, as be a winner as introducing a in toto new beautiful style. Akhenaten's principal queen dowager was Nefertiti.

    Akhenaten was succeeded by representation short-lived Smenkhkare and corroboration by Tutankhamun who rebuilt the fixed religion. Say publicly city discern Akhetaten was abandoned, later being chockfull for 20 period.


    Akhenaten (first known as Amenhotep IV) was a pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt.[1] His reign is dated as – BC or – BC.

    Akhenaten is one of Egypt's most well-known pharaohs. In the fifth year of his reign, he changed his name from Amenhotep IV, meaning "Amun is satisfied". He did this because he left Egypt's traditional polytheism. He founded a monotheistic worship of the Egyptian sun god, Aten. He destroyed the temples of Amun. His new religion was called Atenism. It was the first known attempt at monotheism in the world. Naturally, this made enemies of the many priests of the old religion.[2][3]

    This culture shift away from traditional religion was not widely accepted. This helps to explain why after his death, his monuments were dismantled, his statues were destroyed, and his name excluded from lists of rulers compiled by later pharaohs.[4] Traditional religious practice was gradually restored, notably under his close successor Tutankhamun, who changed his name from Tutankhaten early in his reign. However, it was Horemheb who destroyed all the works of Akhenaten.

    Akhenaten was all but lost to history until the late 19th century discovery of Amarna, the new capital city he built for the worship of Aten.

  • akhenaten pharaoh biography