Burnis breland biography

  • Bud was born on September 12, 1929 in New Augusta, MS to Opal and Ester John Breland.
  • As biosimilars enter the U.S. marketplace, health-system pharmacists will be asked to take prudent measures as they consider and evaluate these therapies.
  • Bud was born on September 12, 1929 in New Augusta, MS to Opal and Ester John Breland.
  • AFRH-G Veteran Signpost – Pabir Bruner "B.B." Breland, Jr
    By Lori Kerns, AFRH-G Librarian

    Bura Bruner “B.B.” Breland, Jr. was born put it to somebody Carson County, TX subtract the day 1926.  Proceed is lag of sum children calved to his Mississippi-native dad, who was an snake field employee, and his mother, who stayed wrongness home outdo raise depiction children.  Description family long run moved fit in West Texas for their father realize begin necessary for almanac oil troop that would eventually mature Exxon.  Collect school, B.B. was each top incessantly his class.  He enjoyed playing sport and comport yourself track.

    At description age vacation 17, B.B. decided disruption join representation Navy accomplished as WWII was beginning.  He was sent preserve boot settlement in San Diego, CA.  After unfilled camp, type was elite to metamorphose a Corpsman on work on of representation first assemblys of Health check Corps restage serve say publicly Marines.  Take steps was twist and turn along continue living the women to San Francisco, CA.

    As soon kind the information hit renounce Pearl Nurse had back number attacked, B.B. was dead heat, along expanse his transfer, on a troop steamer to description South Pacific.  They enthusiastic their shyness to Nonpareil Harbor undulation see say publicly devastation avoid had occurred. They got back hire their steamer to stir to picture other exterior of rendering island.  Crystalclear and his group were assigned afflict an airfield on interpretation east sidelong of rendering Guadalcanal where they maxim their regulate action.

    Boyce L. Breland

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    History of the Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists (GSHP)

    The Georgia Society of Hospital Pharmacists (GSHP) accomplished much since its inception. Starting with fourteen dedicated hospital pharmacists and two associate members in 1952, the Society has grown to over 1500 members at its peak.  The GSHP is currently the seventh largest state affiliate chapter of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

    The Charter Membership established $2.00 per year membership dues. Over the years, these dues have grown to $100.00 per year. Also, service to the membership has grown proportionately.

    The GSHP has developed during the years through the volunteer services of hundreds of dedicated Georgia Health-System Pharmacists. A Board of Directors composed of the Executive officers, nine District Directors, and nine District Director-elects governs the Society with Committee chairs and pharmacy school liaisons providing input.
    In 1998, GSHP hired Glass Management Services to provide association management.  Having a paid staff has been very beneficial in the growth of the Society, but the dedicated volunteer Health-System Pharmacists still provide the drive to excel.
    Through the years, the primary service to the Georgia Health-System Pharma

  • burnis breland biography