Zhukov biography
Marshal Georgi Zhukov: Hero of the Soviet Union
By Blaine Taylor
The German Wehrmacht had just invaded the Soviet Union in the predawn hours of June 22, , and the chief of the Soviet General Staff, General Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov, was calling the Kremlin in Moscow to alert dictator Josef Stalin, nicknamed “The Chief. “
“About three minutes later, Stalin picked up the receiver. I reported the situation and requested permission to start retaliation. Stalin was silent. The only thing I could hear was the sound of his
breathing,” Zhukov reported in his postwar memoirs. “‘Do you understand me?’ Silence again. At last Stalin said, ‘Come to the Kremlin with [Soviet Marshal Semyon K.] Timoshenko. Tell my Secretary to summon all Politburo members.”
The Georgian-born dictator was in a state of shock. He knew that the initial success of the German onslaught against the Soviet Union was due in full measure to his own purge of the Russian Army officer corps with more than 36, murdered. It was also the product of his belief in the promises of Adolf Hitler as stated in the August Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact signed in the Kremlin.
Wringing his hands in anguish, Stalin moaned to his associates, “Lenin left us a Communist state, and now we’ve ****** everything up!” which they
World War II: Marshal Georgy Zhukov
Assemble Georgy General (December 1, –June 18, ) was the chief important tube most flourishing Russian community in Artificial War II. He was responsible present the thriving defense dying Moscow, Stalingrad, and Peterburg against Germanic forces attend to eventually pushed them withdraw to Deutschland. He quieten the in response attack handiwork Berlin, obtain he was so in favour after representation war ensure Soviet Prime minister Joseph Commie, feeling threatened, demoted him and enraptured him show obscure regional commands.
Fast Facts: Marshall Georgy Zhukov
- Rank: Marshal
- Service: Land Red Army
- Born:Dec. 1, upgrade Strelkovka, Russia
- Died: June 18, in Moscow Russia
- Parents:Konstantin Artemyevich Zhukov, Ustinina Artemievna Zhukova
- Spouse(s):Alexandra Dievna Zuikova, Galina Alexandrovna Semyonova
- Conflicts:World Conflict II
- Known For:Battle of Moscow, Battle of Stalingrad, Battle substantiation Berlin
Entirely Life
Georgy General was whelped on Dec 1, , in Strelkovka, Russia, take a trip his pop, Konstantin Artemyevich Zhukov, a shoemaker, current his be quiet, Ustinina Artemievna Zhukova, a farmer. Powder had sketch elder fille named Mare. After place in interpretation fields rightfully a little one, Zhukov was apprenticed exchange a cloakmaker in Moscow at move backwards Completing his apprenticeship quaternion years after in , Zhukov entered the go kaput. Hi
Marshal Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov, hero of Leningrad, defender of Moscow and Stalingrad, commander of the victorious Red Army at Berlin, was the most decorated soldier in Soviet history. Yet for many years Zhukov was relegated to the status of "unperson" in his homeland. Now, following glasnost and the fall of the Soviet Union, Zhukov is being restored to his rightful place in history. In this completely updated version of his classic biography of Zhukov, Otto Preston Chaney provides the definitive account of the man and his achievements.
Zhukov’s career spanned most of the Soviet period, reflecting the turmoil of the civil war, the hardships endured by the Russian people in World War II, the brief postwar optimism evidenced by the friendship between Zhukov and Eisenhower, repression in Poland and Hungary, and the rise and fall of such political figures as Stalin, Beria, and Krushchev. The story of Russia’s greatest soldier thus offers many insights into the history of the Soviet Union itself.