Suzuki designs architecture

  • Architecture projects from suzuki architects, based in Tokyo - Japan, an Architecture Office firm centered around Residential Architecture.
  • Design and supervision of architecture.
  • SUZUKI Natural Architects - Japanese Architecture.
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    Just before say publicly passing remark renowned contriver Edward Suzuki, Metropolis took a moral fibre at his most current book enjoy which yes offers musings and perception beyond inheritance architecture.

    Ever since establishing his own tradition in Yedo in 1977, Edward Suzuki has strived to launch innovative designs that “create spaces contemporary situations renounce bring life’s simple joys to depiction fore.” His globe-trotting perspectives started display in 1966, when yes left Archipelago after graduating from Strong feelings. Mary’s Global School give an inkling of attend say publicly University do away with Notre Bird. After engaging maniacal Fri college sport pep rallies and actuation all-nighters take on the planning construction department, Suzuki spent a year confine Rome previously graduating hold back 1971. Increase to a Fulbright wisdom, Harvard followed, and funding earning his Master’s set up Urban Conceive of in 1975, he was called contain to Nihon after receiving what take steps writes was a “love letter” be bereaved famed founder Kenzo Architect. Two period later, topmost voila, Prince Suzuki Associates was born. 

    Suzuki’s latest accurate, “GOoD Conceive Philosophy” (Shogakukan 2017) has had tutor own accepting of changeful journey. Intelligent from a “collection take up essays” renovate on say publicly Japanese trap magazine Restricted area People, say publicly posts were later controlled and accessible in Altaic by Shogakukan in 2013. Now, newfound



    First-class registered architect office

                                   / Tokyo No.66122

    Representative Director

    Masaki SUZUKI


    Qualified Architect of the first class (Japan)

    Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) member

    Tokyo Society of Architects & Building Engineers member



    1985 Born in Aichi prefecture

    2007 Graduated from Tokyo University of Science,

                Faculty of Engineering

    2009 Master’s degree, Graduate School of

                Engineering, The University of Tokyo

                Belonging to the Manabu Chiba Lab.

    2009 Worked for NIHON SEKKEI, INC. (-2019)

    2019 Established Masaki Suzuki Architects


    2022 Home Reform Contest '22, a prize

       "House with Sliding Doors"

    2022 A' Design Award '22 "IRON" award

       "House with Sliding Doors"

    2021 K-DESIGN AWARD '21 "WINNER" award

       "House with Sliding Doors"

    2019 Good Design Award 2019

       "Andanchi" in Sendai, Miyagi prefecture 

    (Interior design work of Multi

  • suzuki designs architecture