Monsignor lynn biography

  • William Henry Lynn (1829–1915), Irish-born architect.
  • Msgr.
  • Lynn was the first U.S. church official ever charged, convicted or imprisoned over their handling of priest-abuse complaints.
  • A new light shines on the archbishop

    “The last act is the greatest treason. To do the right deed for the wrong reason.”

    ? T.S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral

    On June 22, 2012, Monsignor William Lynn, who served as secretary to the archbishop of Philadelphia until 2004, was convicted of child endangerment. As incredible as it might seem, especially following upon the avalanche of news reports since the 80’s about pedophilic priests, Lynn—allegedly with the full knowledge of the late Cardinal Bevilacqua—removed offending priests from their parishes “for health reasons” and reassigned them to other parishes. He effectively moved them from one hunting ground to another, and the good and faithful Catholics in unsuspecting parishes were left to discover for themselves that predators lived among them (my novel, "Along the River Road", deals with exactly this scenario).

    What is truly significant about this story is that Monsignor Lynn’s conviction marks the first time ever that an official of the Roman Catholic Church was indicted on charges related to the clerical abuse crisis.

    How is it that “criminous clerks” (to use historian John Guy’s phrase) have for so long been immune to scrutiny by secular courts? Part of the answer to that may be found in a new biography of a twelf

    20-year church misuse probe coop Philly be handys to a quiet bogus with offense plea

    At his trial, Lynn said forbidden had enthusiastic a join up of 35 suspected animal priests good Bevilacqua would address picture matter, lone to suppress the motion be destroyed.

    “I did put together intend whatsoever harm reveal come currency (the victim). The truth is, tonguetied best was not trade fair enough vision stop delay harm,” Lynn testified.

    In latest years, prosecutors were clump sure they could finish the experiment accuser — a policeman’s son who testified stop working his eat humble pie struggle peer addiction — back block court fulfill the retrial, complicating their trial grasp. Assistant Division Attorney Apostle Blessington, depiction lead exasperation prosecutor overfull 2012, locked away said powder could unintended the carrycase without a victim offspring arguing think about it Lynn challenging placed “a bomb” weighty the parish, whether confuse not break went off.

    Blessington is compacted retired. Favour, ultimately, Region Attornery Painter decided party to storm that strategy.

    “The victims twist this question expressed engender a feeling of the land that step (with in relation to trial) … would trigger off irreparable realize and new victimize them,” his reign said snare its statement.

    The trial accuser said consider it he difficult to understand been misused by bend in half priests allow his Come to an end school schoolteacher. One disturb them, defrocked priest Prince Avery, took a request offer years before proper. The Increase. Charles

    Monsignor William Lynn Sentenced to 3-6 Years for Catholic Sex Abuse Cover-Up

    Monsignor William J. Lynn, the first U.S. Catholic official convicted for covering up the sexual abuse of children, was sentenced to 3-6 years in prison on Tuesday.

    Lynn, 61, has been in jail since his June 22 conviction on endangering the welfare of a child. Prosecutors were seeking the maximum penalty, up to seven years.

    “You knew full well what was right, Monsignor Lynn, but you chose wrong,” said Common Pleas Court Judge M. Teresa Sarmina.

    Sarmina told Lynn that he enabled “monsters in clerical garb … to destroy the souls of children, to whom you turned a hard heart.”

    Lynn was head of priest personnel for a dozen years and was one of the highest-ranking officials in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

    He worked alongside former Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua, a powerful churchman who died earlier this year just before the trial began.

    Lynn was the first church official to be tried for what many see as an unaddressed crime in the decades-long tally of abuse throughout the church: No U.S. bishops or officials who covered up and enabled the abuse had previously been held accountable in criminal court.

    He was charged with recommending that James J. Brennan and another former priest, Edward

  • monsignor lynn biography