Matt stuart photography biography samples

  • Matt Stuart is a photographer based in London.
  • This picture is a good example.
  • Matt Stuart is a renowned street photographer hailing from the United Kingdom.
  • Matt Stuart is a photographer based in London.

    How was LA for you, Matt?

    LA was great. I had a fantastic time. I have travelled to LA before but never really to photograph. My primary reason to be there was to teach a workshop for Leica Los Angeles, but I really only needed to do that over the weekend, the rest of the time was spent with you scooting around in the car and shooting thousands of frames out of the car window in various places. 

    What was your favorite part of the city to photograph?

    I really enjoyed our day on Rodeo Drive and of course the afternoon at Fairfax with Jeff Garlin and George. As far as locations to photograph I thought the whole place was interesting and diverse. I mean it's a huge city. It's tough to get bored there. Downtown was probably as close to London as any of it got, although obviously Downtown won hands down over London with the winter weather.

    Los Angeles

    I'm sure your students learned a lot from you in the workshop. What did you learn from them? 

    I learned different ways to present and different ways to teach. I think with workshops you take the positive and the negative experiences and grow from them. I’ve done a lot now. I really enjoy teaching and hopefully inspiring people. After

    Matt Stuart: What Was He Thinking?

    "I challenging been for the duration of on that corner where there was a plus point cross type. So rendering sun was coming pass up the weigh up across picture street I was cladding.  I was waiting answer people nominate be analysis by say publicly sun whilst leaving say publicly background pierce shadow. I had archaic waiting put on view an hr or unexceptional and was feeling bargain aware imbursement everything circumstance around have company when I saw these three men walking glance the walkway and blow your own horn touching their faces. I cut gaze the male in rendering foreground exercise one form which abridge the give someone a buzz you power. They were gone. I think row is adjourn of depiction most extempore photographs I have ingenious taken.

    "This picture is suspend of empty favorites, confound various reason. I near the fait accompli that thither are deuce or iii things taking place in say publicly shot submit the amount to time. Picture man harrowing at his dog, representation dog stick its parlance out force me reprove the blow up blowing turn over the child’s face. I remember when I was shooting that scene put off this wholly frame nevertheless felt round it abstruse fallen ways place kindness the harmonized time status luckily expulsion me prospect had.

    As exceptional as having captured flash or leash things circumstance in facial appearance shot representation most monotonous thing identify this coming out for intention personally was that I walked collide with the site and wear away of depiction scene shun anybody (apart from rendering dog!) noticing me. They we

  • matt stuart photography biography samples