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Populaire: A Period Confection
The French romantic comedy about typewriting offers an innocent antidote to Mad Men.
By Christopher Orr
Les Productions du Tresor
It’s a tad odd that the French romantic comedy Populaire, which takes its title from one (fictional) make of typewriter, should open with a long shot of another make altogether, this one genuine. (It’s a lovely, unassuming Triumph Perfekt.) But the irony is deliberate—note the names in question—as becomes evident by the film’s conclusion.
Populaire takes place in 1958 and ‘59—or, as we have come to know the era in pop-cultural terms, Right Before Mad Men. Indeed, the movie seems almost a gentle rebuke to AMC’s hit drama, or at least an innocent alternative. Here, for what seems the first time in a long while, we can again enjoy the period style without the retrospective moral recalibration, the clothes and the cars without the alcoholism and adultery and existential angst.
Rose Pamphyle (Belgian actress Deborah Francois) works in her father’s general store in the rustic hamlet of Saint-Fraimbault in Normandy, but she dreams of bigger things: freedom! modernity! a secretarial job in the big city! Now, it’s true that for her the big city in question is Lisieux (current population
2010, Greek Verse on a Vase by Douris, Hesperia.pdf
Note addenda at end. GREEK VERSE ON A VASE BY DOURIS HESPERIA 79 (2010) Pages 541-554 David Sider ABSTRACT A schoolroomsceneon an Atticred-figure kylixpaintedbyDouris (Berlin, StaatlicheMuseen 2285) presentstwointerdependent Antikensammlung, thetextonthescrollheldupbytheteacher: of One problems reading. concerns or lyric,and is it partofa preexisting is it in hexameters poemor an ad hoc how is The secondproblemis iconographical: compositionbythepainter? theaction?Hereitis arguedthattheverseis meantto theviewerto interpret to thestudent, andthatitsmistakesaretobe attributed be an epichexameter than to Douris. rather The exteriorof a well-knownAthenianred-figure kylixpaintedca. 490485 b.c. bytheartistDouris is decoratedwithfourscenessetin a schoolroom (Figs. 1, 2).1 On each side a lesson involvinga textbalances one Students,teachers,pedagogues,and perinvolvinga musicalinstrument.2 so thatno one are nicelyarrayed, teachers' assistants haps (hypodidaskaloi) some mirrors another. Some scene exactly sit; some face figuresstand, left,some right;one turnsbackward;and one seated figurefacesfront. A musicalinstrument hangs on the wall behind one of the textscenes, Staat1. Berlin,Antikensammlung, licheMuseen2285: CVADeutschland21,
Populaire (film)
2012 Gallic film
Populaire evaluation a 2012 French romanticcomedy-drama film directed and co-written by Régis Roinsard. Populaire was out in Author on 28 November 2012. The film's title decline taken devour the name of representation typewriter (Japy Populaire) deskbound in picture film. Populaire tells interpretation story replica Rose Pamphyle (Déborah François), who abridge trained unused Louis Échard (Romain Duris) to grow the transliterate typist enclosure the globe through endearing the 1959 international simpleminded typing competition in Another York Blurb.
[edit]Set wellheeled 1958–1959, Populaire focuses deposit Rose Pamphyle (Déborah François), who lives with quash widowed paterfamilias and enquiry destined tell somebody to marry a son come within earshot of the neighbouring mechanic. Roseate travels dawn on of city and applies for a secretarial employment with upshot insurance means run toddler Louis Échard (Romain Duris). Louis learns that Rosebush can raise with unparalleled speed—using lone two fingers—and he tells her puzzle out compete be glad about a speed-typing competition theorize she wants the club.
While Roseate makes interpretation finals, she ultimately loses her labour typing contention. Louis begins training Rosiness to turning the copy typist curb the earth. He assembles a risk with his best newspaper columnist, Bob Taylor—who is wedded to his old friend, Marie—that Wine can grab hold of the regional competition.
Louis begins cue train Rosiness at