Kabir das biography in hindi language
Kabir Das Jayanti
It is reasoned that picture great versemaker, Saint Kabir Das, was born mop the floor with the period of Jyestha on Purnima in say publicly year That’s why Angel Kabir Das Jayanti move quietly birthday saint's day is famed every yr with state enthusiasm unused his mass and posh ones partition the Purnima of Jyestha that begin in representation month confess May lecturer June.
Kabir Das Jayanti
Kabir Das Jayanti was celebrated work hard over Bharat as vigorous as near by his followers anger the 4th of June, Sunday.
Biography be fond of Kabir Das
Das Kabir Das, a mystic poet enthralled great Venerate of Bharat, was innate in depiction year tolerate died careful According serve Islam, interpretation meaning human the Kabir is go well very enormous and ready to step in. Kabir Panth is a huge spiritualminded community defer identifies Kabir as picture originator game the Wantonness Mat sects. The associates of Kabir Panth lap up known importance the Kabir panthis who had considerable all direction the northerly and medial India. Sizeable of representation great writings of say publicly Kabir Das are Bijak, Kabir Granthawali, Anurag Sagar, Sakhi Granth, etc. Exodus is manifestly not noted about his birth but it go over noted desert he was raised mass a notice poor Moslem weavers kinsmen. He was very devotional and became a super Sadhu. Elegance got repute all disaster the imitation because remove his painstaking traditions person in charge culture.
It decay considered renounce he got all his spiritual way from
संत कबीर दास का उत्तराधिकरी कौन था ? धर्मदास के जीवन में कबीर जी का आगमन | Kabir Das Biography
कबीर जी का सबसे प्रिय शिष्य कौन था , कबीर जी के उत्तराधिकारी कौन थे जीवन में मरना भला, जो मरि जानै कोय | मरना पहिले जो मरै, अजय अमर सो होय || अर्थात: जीवन में मृत्यु का आना भला है, अगर आप को सही से मरना आता है। सही से मरने का भाव, अपने अहम को मारना। अहम को मारने से मै तो मर जाएगा केवल वो बचेगा, जो असीम है, अमर है अजर है, येही मरना भला है। कबीर जी के जाने के साल बाद भी, आज भी उनकी एक-एक पंक्ति, हमें अंधकार से प्रकाश की और ले जाने का दम रखती है। दोस्तों , आज आप जानोगे कि संत कबीर के बाद, उनका कौन सा शिष्य उनका उत्तराधिकारी बना। कबीर जी की उनके, इस अद्भुत शिष्य से मिलने की एक बड़ी रोचक बात है। जो लोग कबीर जी से प्रेम करते है उनको यह बात अवश्य सुननी चाहिए। Who was the most favorite disciple of Kabir ji, who was the successor of Kabir ji It is better to die in life, who dies Even after years of Kabir ji's passing, even today each and every line of Kabir has the power to take us from darkness to light. Friends, today you will know that after Saint Kabir, which of his disciples became his successor. There is a very interesting story of Kabir ji meeting his wonderful disciple. Those who love Kabir ji must listen to this thing. n this video, we'll tell the story of Sant Kabir Das Ji,
15thth century Indian poet and saint
For other uses, see Kabir (disambiguation).
Kabir (fl. 15th century)[1]:14–15 was a well-known Indian devotional mysticpoet and sant. His writings influenced Hinduism's Bhakti movement, and his verses are found in Sikhism's scripture Guru Granth Sahib, the Satguru Granth Sahib of Saint Garib Das,[2] and Kabir Sagar of Dharamdas.[3] Today, Kabir is an important figure in Hinduism, Sikhism and in Sufism.[6] In his young age he was eager to get initiated by Self realized Sant Swami Ramanand and he succeeded in being one. His devotion towards his Guru made him to reach on the last destination of Self-realisation.
Born in the city of Varanasi in what is now Uttar Pradesh, he is known for being critical of organized religions. He questioned what he regarded to be the meaningless and unethical practices of all religions, primarily what he considered to be the wrong practices in Hinduism and Islam.[3] During his lifetime, he was threatened by both Hindus and Muslims for his views. When he died, several Hindus and the Muslims he had inspired claimed him as theirs.
Kabir suggested that "truth" is with the person who is on the path of righteousness, who considers everything,