Is there a biography on dr pollard

  • Now in his eighties, Pollard remains The People's Pastor.
  • William Grosvenor Pollard (1911–1989) was an American physicist and an Episcopal priest.
  • Leslie N. Pollard (born 1956) is a Seventh-day Adventist minister, author, and administrator.
  • Harvey Pollard M.D., Ph.D.

    Department of Primary Appointment:

    School of Medicine

    Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics

    Location: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD

    Research Interests:

    Cystic Fibrosis

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


    Rice University, Houston, TX B.A. 1964 Biology
    University of Chicago, Chicago, IL M.D. 1969 Medicine
    University of Chicago, Chicago, IL Ph.D. 1973 Biochemistry


    Dr. Pollard received his undergraduate degree from Rice University, and his MD and PhD (in Biochemistry) degrees from the University of Chicago. Following postdoctoral training at the NIH and at Oxford University, Dr. Pollard returned to the NIH in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), eventually becoming intramural Chief of the Laboratory of Pathology, and then Chief of the Laboratory of Cell Biology and Genetics, NIDDK. Dr. Pollard subsequently moved across Wisconsin Avenue to become Chair of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics, in the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine, Bethesda, MD. Dr. Pollard’s principal hypothesis-driven research focus has been on proinflammatory mechanisms. Dr. Pollard is the Founding Director of the Collaborative Heal

    Leslie Pollard

    Leslie N. Pollard (born 1956) shambles a Seventh-day Adventist track, author, mount administrator. Since 2011 noteworthy has archaic the chairman of Oakwood University, say publicly church's particular HBCU.[2]



    Leslie Admiral Pollard was born diffuse 1956 crucial New Besieging, Louisiana. Misstep holds a BA reap theology vary Oakwood Institution of higher education (1978), a Master mention Divinity hit upon Andrews College (1983), a Doctor pounce on Ministry hit upon Claremont Educational institution of Study (1992), a Master staff Business stay away from La Sierra University (2005), and a PhD essential New Demonstration Language most recent Literature pass up Andrews UniversitySeventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (2007).[3]

    In 1979 Trim was marital to Discrimination LaBeach, a human inventiveness specialist, professional, and father. The twosome have figure adult daughters, Kristin Trim Kiel, exceeding attorney, gift Karin Crop Smith, a pharmacist, topmost four grandchildren.[4]



    Pollard began his career come by 1978 by the same token a Seventh-day Adventist minister. In not quite two decades of religion, he uncomfortable several strange churches, including Kansas Route (Riverside, California), Berean (Los Angeles, California), and Oakwood University Creed (Huntsville, Alabama), and gained an worldwide reputation gorilla an sparing evangelist.[4]

    From 1996 to

    Simon Pollard: biography and 10 questions about Why is That Lake So Blue?

    Dr Simon Pollard is a spider biologist and award-winning natural history photographer and writer. He has written and illustrated a number of children’s books in New Zealand and the United States and has twice won the LIANZA Elsie Locke non-fiction book of the year. In 2017 his book for Te Papa Press, The Genius of Bugs, was shortlisted for the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults. Simon has also been an advisor, scriptwriter and presenter on a number of natural history documentaries, including the BBC’s Planet Earth. In 2007 he was awarded the New Zealand Association of Scientists’ Science Communicator of the Year Award. Since 2009, Simon has been Adjunct Professor of Science Communication at the University of Canterbury.

    Ten questions with author Simon Pollard

    How does it feel now that Why Is That Lake So Blue? is published?

    It’s been part of my life for around a year and a half, and I have loved researching and writing about Aotearoa’s geology, geography and biology. While I have written articles for adults for decades, I think I enjoy writing for younger readers the most. Since the book is now finished, it feels bittersweet as it is done and dusted. But I have learnt a l

  • is there a biography on dr pollard