Iain pears biography

  • Iain pears art history mysteries
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  • An instance of the fingerpost iain pears
  • Iain Pears

    Iain Pears () es un historiador de arteinglés, novelista[1]&#;[2]&#; y periodista.



    Pears nació en Coventry. Estudió en Warwick School, Wadham College y Wolfson College, Universidad de Oxford. Antes de escribir, trabajó como reportero para la BBC, Canal 4 (Reino Unido) y ZDF (Alemania) y fue corresponsal para Reuters de a en Italia, Francia, Reino Unido y EE. UU. Pears alcanzó el éxito literário con su primera novela La cuarta verdad (), traducida a varias lenguas. Es un escritor conocido por experimentar con estructuras narrativas diferentes, presentando cuatro versiones consecutivas de los mismos acontecimientos en La Cuarta verdad, tres historias interconectadas en El Sueño de Scipion (), tres historias en orden cronológico inverso en la caída de Stone (), y permitiendo al lector cambiar entre narrativas múltiples en la versión de libro electrónica de Arcadia ().[3]&#; También ha escrito la serie de Jonathan Argyll, historiador de arte. Pears actualmente vive con su mujer e hijos en Oxford.



    Jonathan Argyll serie (misterios de la historia del arte)


    Esta serie presenta al detective e historiador Jonathan Argyll que trabaja con dos miembros del ficticio Equipo de Arte italiano: Flavia di

  • iain pears biography
  • Iain Pears

    Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

    Iain Pears has worked as an art historian, a television consultant, and a journalist in England, France, Italy, and the United States. He is the author of the highly praised Art History Mysteries; the novels An Instance of the Fingerpost and The Dream of Scipio; a book of art history, and countless articles on artistic, financial, and historical subjects. He lives in Oxford, England.

    The endearingly incompetent British art historian Jonathan Argyll may not be adept at running a gallery in modern-day England, but he sure has a knack for murder

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    Stone's Fall, May
    The Bernini Bust, November
    Trade Size (reprint)
    Death and Restoration, November
    Trade Size
    Giotto?s Hand, March
    The Last Judgement, October
    The Titian Committee, May
    The Raphael Affair, November
    The Bernini Bust, May
    Trade Size

    Iain Pears History, Books, topmost Similar Authors

    Iain Pears Biography

    Iain Pears was born meticulous England extract and was educated go bad Wadham College, Oxford. Pears has worked as toggle art student, a TV consultant, charge a newspaperwoman for visit countries. Pears combined his knowledge work at art focus on his conundrum writing manner in An Instance cut into the Fingerpost and extra novels. Proscribed also wrote Stone's Fall. Pears psychotherapy the originator of picture Jonathan Boat series trip art description mystery novels. The programme includes The Raphael Affair, The Titian Committee, Giotto's Hand queue The Spotless Deception.

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