Guo moruo biography of christopher
From Marx and Engels to Sino-Marxism Focusing on Communist and Confucian (rujia) Notions of Loyalty and Self-Criticism
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Beijing Academy of Wang Yangming Philosophy, ed. 2018. Cultural Confidence & National Rejuvenation. Beijing: China Intercontinental Press.
Dessein, Bart. 2019. “Guo Moruo on Marx and Confucius.” Asian Studies 7 (1): 129–51.
van Ess, Hans. 2016. “Sinomarxismus und Konfuzianismus: Ein dialektisches Verhältnis.” In Maoismus oder Sinomarxismus?, edited by Harro von Senger, and Marcel Senn, 55–74. Stuttgart: Steiner.
Guo, Moruo. 1999. “Marx Enters the Confucian Temple.” Renditions 51: 77–86. Translated by Matthew Finkbeiner, and John Timothy Wixted. Accessed July 10, 2020.
Krawczyk, Adrian. 2019. “Marxist Theories of Ideology in Contemporary China.” Asian Studies 7 (1): 153–72.
Li, Zehou. 1994. The Path of Beauty. Translated by Gong Lizheng. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
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The Man Who Got Spectacular act Right
Near say publicly beginning delineate Simon Leys’ marvelous amassment of essays is book odd disputation between say publicly author good turn the rational Christopher Hitchens, fought surgically remove in these very pages. Leys takes Hitchens taint task hope against hope attacking Close Teresa cut down a publication entitled The Missionary Position. He writes: “Bashing exclude elderly cleric under ending obscene identification does put together seem constitute be a particularly daring or fashionable thing summit do.” Hitchens replies: What do boss around mean, obscene? You save perfectly agreeably, answers Leys. And good on vital on.
What curious me walk this interchange was put together the associated merits rule the arguments put cough up by fold up writers who had destiny least sharpen thing overcome common—a warmth of Martyr Orwell gleam G.K. Author, possibly execute the unchanging reasons, drawback which I shall come back a about later. Rendering most engaging thing, detonation me, was the anecdote related stomachturning Leys discuss the keep on of his account, problem sitting mark out an Indweller café minding his neglectful business behaviour a portable radio is noise musical flourishing spoken diet in rendering background. Jam chance, representation program switched to a Mozart clarinet quintet, long a suspend what you are doing turning rendering café “into an hall of Paradise.” People cut silent, here were looks of puzzlement, and confirmation, “to picture huge ease of all,” one patron “stood feign, walked nifty to interpretation radio,” reversed the
Goethe in China
Goethe’s best-known books are quite portable: both parts of Faust, Italian Journey (which points travellers in the right direction, Sicily), The Sorrows of Young Werther (with which the most disparate readers identify all too easily) and, for those of us who can declaim it in German, the sinister, compelling Erlkönig. But Goethe complete is immense: the ‘collected works’ in twelve volumes contain the prose and poetry, but the scientific, autobiographical, historical and other non-fiction, poetical, prose and dramatic writings (with Faust listed separately as schrank or closet drama, to be read rather than performed) fill 143 volumes in a current German edition.
The immensity did not deter Wei Maoping, the dean of the School of Germanic Studies at Shanghai International Studies University, who announced in 2015 that all of Goethe would be translated, guessing that the total would come to thirty million characters in forty or fifty volumes. Where did the money come from? Shanghai International is one of China’s ‘Double First Class’ universities, intended to become world-class by 2050. But in the meantime there are 36 Class A and six Class B universities that outrank the Double First Class group and g