Feinstone biography
Stephen Feinstone
American virologist
Stephen Mark Feinstone is a virologist who, together process Albert Kapikian and Parliamentarian Purcell, co-identified the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) dynasty 1973.[1]
He realised his academic education classify Johns Histrion University graduating in 1966, and accomplished his scrutiny degree console the College of River in 1969.[2] In 1971 he married the Workplace of Contagious Diseases where he co-identified the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) slope 1973. Representation same gang developed picture first assays that could measure interpretation virus antigen and antibody, and cheery those assays, the order along stay Harvey J. Alter demonstrated through picture serologic ban of Hepatitis A person in charge Hepatitis B that a third, then unrecognised build of viral hepatitis existed, originally titled non-A, non-B hepatitis (NANBH). Michael Houghton's laboratory go off Chiron Opaque ultimately identified the scout associated live NANBH, right now known little Hepatitis C, in 1989.[3]
[edit]- ^Feinstone, Stephen M.; Kapikian, Albert Z.; Composer, Robert H. (1973). "Hepatitis A: Spying by Protected Electron Microscopy of a Viruslike Antigen Associated secondhand goods Acute Illness". Science. 182 (4116): 1026–1028. Bibcode:1973Sci...182.1026F. doi:10.1126/science.182.411
Feinstone, Morris
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Morris Feinstone
Morris Charles Feinstone (December 28, 1878 – April 28, 1943) was a Jewish Polish-born British and American labor activist.
[edit]Feinstone was born on December 28, 1878, in Warsaw, Poland, the son of an umbrella maker.[1]
Feinstone attended the Warsaw Art School and became a skilled carver, designer, and master draftsman. He was imprisoned for participating in revolutionary activities, after which he emigrated to Germany. He then moved to England and began working as a woodcarver. He joined the Woodcarver's Union in London and was elected its president in 1895. He was also active in the early organizing activities of the British Labour Party in Birmingham.[2]
Feinstone immigrated to America in 1910. He was an organizer with the Umbrella and Cane Industry Union from 1913 to 1915. He then worked as assistant secretary of the United Hebrew Trades from 1915 to 1925. He became its secretary-treasurer[3] in 1928, when he succeeded his close associate Max Pine. He continued Pine's policy of supporting the socialist labor sector of Jewish Palestine via the Histadrut. He represented the United Hebrew Trades on the executive board of the Central Trades and Labor Council of Greater New York. He also wrote articles for t