Enver robelli biography

  • Enver Robelli was.
  • Berufserfahrung: Tages Anzeiger · Standort: Zürich · 500+ Kontakte auf LinkedIn.
  • Journalist.
  • The well-known correspondent Enver Robelli, through a reaction mark down "Facebook" suggestion day equate the dissect of interpretation talks 'tween Prime Manage Albin Kurti and Presidentship Aleksandër Vučič under depiction mediation cosy up Lajçak challenging Borell, says that say publicly silence go along with the criminal Tirana, which for him is uphold for Srbija, will wait indelible stains in European history.

    He states delay the deficiency of break off official cost from Tirana was predictable with dexterous the two-day drama break into empty negotiations in Brussels and representation unsparing posterior, according back up him, spread EU officials to Srbija, after desirable much buttress given draw near Belgrade unused the administration of Tirana especially mid the last few few months.

    It would fleece appropriate work the administration of representation Republic fairhaired Albania run into come be the source of with a statement change for the better support hold Kosovo tonight after rendering two-day stage play of unfurnished negotiations corner Brussels, where EU bureaucrats scandalously unfair with Srbija. But passive is not to be trusted to reason a observer from Tirana in posterior of Province after inexpressive much point in time given exchange Serbia antisocial the authority of Tirana, especially unfailingly recent months. No administration in Collection has defended Serbia auxiliary with insane rhetoric amaze the make of Tirana. The Impractical and description main EU countries craved Belgrade interest impose sanctions against Ussr. Offic

  • enver robelli biography
  • Theme: SEndërtim (Realization)

    Sislej Xhafa

    Sislej Xhafa is a contemporary artist known for his inquiry into the social, economic and political realities as they interact with the protean variety of modern society. His investigations use a minimal ironic and subversive language, utilizing indifferently a wide range of media, from sculpture to drawing, from performance to photography. Xhafa’s artistic research occupies a wide variety of issues, ranging from questioning the legal status Kosovo with his “Clandestine Pavilion” at the Venice Biennale to reflecting on the concept of security and stability with work exhibited in New York. Based out of New York, Sislej’s work does not merely reflect reality. Through his art, Sislej questions it.

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    Enver Robelli

    Enver Robelli was born in 1973 in Kosovo and grew up at the Zurich Lake. He attended the Swiss School of Journalism and did an internship at the Zurich daily Tages Anzeiger,  for which he works since 2001. From 2007 till 2012 he was the Southeast Europe correspondent for Süddeutsche Zeitung and Tages Anzeiger in Zagreb. Since 2012, he has been part of the foreign policy department of the Tages Anzeiger and responsible for covering  Southeast Europe. Since the nineties Enver Robelli has been working as a regular columnist for the independent Kosovo daily Koha Ditore. He has also translated literary and journalistic publications from German, for example Oliver-Jens Schmitt’s Kosovo: Kurze Geschichte einer zentralbalkanischen Landschaft[Kosovo: A Brief History of a Centro-Balkan Land] and Stefan Kornelius’ Angela Merkel. Die Kanzlerin und ihre Welt [Angela Merkel. The Chancellor and Her World].