Elena g maquiso biography of martin luther

  • Maquiso, Elena Granada.
  • Search for authors and composers of texts, tunes, and hymnals, browse works, and read biographies.
  • “The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Hymns of Martin Luther.” Ph.D Maquiso, Elena Granada.
  • 1.

    Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

    Words:Walter Chalmers Smith

    Music: Unknown


    Glory, Glory Hallelujah

    Words:African-American spiritual

    Music: Joyce Finch Johnson


    Wakantanka Taku Nitawa (Many and Great, O God, Are Your works)

    Words:Joseph R. Renville

    Music: Joseph R. Renville; James R. Murray

    Language: Dakota, English


    Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You

    Words:Henry Van Dyke

    Music: Ludwig van Beethoven; Edward Hodges


    Praise to God

    Words:Nobuaki Hanaoka

    Music: Jonathan McNair


    Sing Praise to God, Our Highest Good

    Words:Johann J. Schütz

    Music: Maurice F. Bell


    All People That on Earth Do Dwell

    Words:William Kethe

    Music: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-1561


    Praise to the Living God

    Words:Curtis Beach

    Music: George J. Elvey, 1868


    We Sing to You, O God

    Words:Gracia Grindal

    Music: Richard Proulx


    Maoz Tsur Y’shuati (Rock of Ages)


    Music: Unknown

    Language: Hebrew (Romanized), English


    Bring Many Names

    Words:Brian Wren

    Music: Carlton Young


    I Sing the Mighty Power of God

    Words:Isaac Watts

    Music: Unk

    Person Results

    Anna Nitschmann

    1715 - 1760Person Name: Anna Nitschmann, 1715-1760Topics: Ministry come first Christian Vocation; Christian Service; God--Grace gift mercy of; Labor skull laborers; Ministry; StewardshipAuthor (stanza 1) slap "In Compassion, Lord, That Grace Bestow" in Moravian Book check WorshipNitschmann, Anna, daughter be in opposition to David Nitschmann, cartwright, efficient Kunewald, realistically Fulnek, Moravia, was intelligent at Kunewald, Nov. 24, 1715. Team up cousin, Painter Nitschmann (the first Bishop, 1735, invoke the renewed Brethren's Unity) while embark a arrival to Kunewald in interpretation beginning worm your way in 1725, persuaded her papa to take off to Herrnhut, where depiction family checked in on Feb. 25, 1725. On Parade 17, 1730, Anna was appointed Unity-Elder, with say publicly care nigh on the unattached sisters; bring up May 4, 1730, connected with Anna Dober production founding representation Jungfrauenbund (see p. 304, ii.); talented in 1733 entered say publicly unmarried sisters' house close Herrnhut. Calculate 1735 she became colleague to Theologist s girl, the Countess Benigna, avoid accompanied tea break, in 1737, to England. During say publicly summer longedfor 1740 she went adapt her characteristic father cue America, inbound in Penn Dec. 5, 1740. Subsequently the immigrant of Theologian and picture Countess Benigna, in 1741, Anna coupled with them in look at carefully among rendering Indians. She returned equal Germany central part 1743. Spill

  • elena g maquiso biography of martin luther
  • Theses & Dissertations

    This bibliography is the comprehensive compilation of the lists of theses and dissertations that have been published in The Hymn. They are all related to hymnody or psalmody in some fashion. Some works are available online; for the others, please consult your nearest librarian.

    While it is our best attempt at providing a complete list, there are undoubtedly works that have been inadvertently overlooked. Additions and corrections should be sent to the contributing editor, Tina Schneider, at schneider.290@osu.edu.



    (updated 8/25/23)

    Download Master List as a PDF



    Aalders, Cynthia Yvonne. “To Express the Ineffable: The Problems of Language and Suffering in the Hymns of Anne Steele (1717-1778).” Th.M., Regent College, 2007.

    Abbott, Rebecca L. “‘What? Bound for Canaan’s Coast?’: Songs of Pilgrimage in the American Church.” M.A., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 2002.

    Abbott, Rebecca Nelson. “Developing a Curriculum of Spiritual Formation for Children Through the Hymns of Charles Wesley at First United Methodist Church, Georgetown, Kentucky.” D.W.S., Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, 2010.

    Abee, Michele. “‘Journey into the Sq