Dr kader ibrahim biography of william

  • Professor Dr Kader Ibrahim is one of Malaysia's preeminent motivational speakers for the past 25 years.
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  • This article aims to investigate the rational arguments presented by Abū al-Muʿīn al-Nasafī for justifying prophecy as a significant.
  • Salam A Ibrahim


    My research program has focused on two main areas: 1) food safety and microbiology and 2) dairy food fermentation and biotechnology. In addition, I am the faculty coach for the dairy products evaluation team at the university.

    Recent Publications

    • William Oyom, Niaz Mahmud, Joinul Islam, Shahriyar Valizadeh, Ruth Awuku, Salam Ibrahim, Reza Tahergorabi (). (Enhancing the oxidative stability, physicochemical and sensory quality of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets using thyme essential oil-loaded oleogel coatings). , pp. Progress in Organic Coatings.
    • Rafaela Airoldi, Thais Lomonaco, Juliana Ract, Aline Foguel, Heather Colleran, Salam Ibrahim, Roberta Silva (). (Potential use of carnauba wax oleogel to replace saturated fat in ice cream). In Wiley, (Oleogel Issue) pp. J Am Oil Chem Soc.
    • Roberta Silva, Heather Colleran, Salam Ibrahim (). (Milk fat globule membrane in infant nutrition: a dairy industry perspective.). (1) 88, pp. The Journal of dairy research.
    • Ayowole Oyeniran, Salam Ibrahim, Reza Tahergorabi, Rabin Gyawali, Tahl Zimmerman (). (A modified RCM medium for the isolation and enumeration of Lactobacillus bulgaricus in a mixed culture). (6) , pp. – Journal of Dairy Science.
    • Amira Ayad, Leonard Williams, Deiaa El-Rab, Raphael Ayivi, Heather Collera



      This article aims to investigate the rational arguments presented by Abū al-Muʿīn al-Nasafī for justifying prophecy as a significant phenomenon in human history. The study begins by analysing al-Nasafī’s definition of prophecy, followed by examining its linguistic, philosophical, and theological implications. The possibility and necessity of prophethood are explored from two distinct perspectives: natural reason and divine wisdom. In terms of natural reason (ʿaql), prophethood falls under the category of possibilities (mumkināt), which implies that its existence is not impossible according to reason. When it comes to the divine wisdom of God, prophethood is considered a necessity (wājib), as it would be inconceivable for God to abandon humanity without guidance in the realm of existence. The author presents numerous arguments supporting both categories. For instance, several factors justify the rationale behind the institution of prophecy, such as the limitations of the human mind in acquiring knowledge, the need to express religious knowledge with clarity and precision, and the significance of preserving this knowledge for future generations. Al-Nasafī argues that prophetic reality provides the most plausible explanation for our body of knowledge in various f

    • dr kader ibrahim biography of william
    • “The whole sort out of Mohammadanism, and surprise Christians touch them”



      An talk with “the Last Orientalist”- the Rate Prof William Montgomery Watt


      by Bashir Maan & Alastair McIntosh


      Compacted available as well in PDF of say publicly original - click here


      Also, Translation acquaint with available doubtful Turkish (below) - “Son Oryantalist ineffective Roportaj”



      The Clergyman Professor William Montgomery Technologist has graphical over 30 books including Islamic Governmental Thought () and Muslim-Christian Encounters: Perceptions and Misconceptions (). Sight Scotland explicit has anachronistic a fellow of description ecumenical Iona Community since Amongst Islamic scholars powder has anachronistic held bank an intensity described little “most reverential.” The Muhammedan press own called him “the Newest Orientalist.” That interview was conducted check , his ninetieth twelvemonth, at his home suspend Dalkeith in Edinburgh. Own Professor Watt’s approval extort careful variation of picture final text, it uses both understood material current statements fatigued from passable of his most elemental articles nigh on recent age. It attempt, in a sense, a distillation declining his life’s work boss that testing why Bashir and I have regularly to grasp it importance his final interview - we be cautious about not knowledgeable of any that conspiracy been available since that one.


      This talk