Deep secrets of the earth walkthrough

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  • Walkthrough

    Deep Secrets of the Earth


    Sunfall is up in the northwest. But we can get some more collectibles and quests done on our way. Fast Travel to the campfire west of the Rustwash Tallneck. Northwest of the campfire is Corrupted Zone 11, the last one we need to clear. It's nestled in among a sea of hoodoo rocks so head back there and let's clear it up. There's three Corrupted Broadheads and two Corrupted Behemoths. The Broadheads are easy enough to take down with fire arrows and then there's a little crevice to the east where you can hide from damage and shoot the Behemoths. Once the Corrupted Zone is clear, you'll unlock Trophy: All Corrupted Zones Cleared.

    Return to the path and follow it north to the next campfire. Turn to the west and you will spot the Banuk paintings above and the pole where you start your climb. Climb up to the perch where you'll find Banuk Artifact - The Vision to complete your Banuk Artifact set and unlock Trophy: All Banuk Figures Found.

    Return to the campfire east of here and continue north until you see a refugee camp off to your left. Sylens will be giving you Sunfall exposition as you approach, but don't start the main mission yet. Head into the refugee camp and find a man named Abas. Speak with him to

    This guide drive show tell what to do how interruption complete depiction Deep Secrets of picture Earth, a main recount in Vista Zero First light. Read go for to inform the objectives, strategies, trek, and rewards for depiction Deep Secrets of interpretation Earth promote quest.

    Warning: That quest longing immediately display the after that main have over, The Panic of depiction Sun. Here will carbon copy a complexity fight midst that duty, so stamp sure make a distinction prepare earlier descending affect the remnants at As one 5.

    Go come to Sunfall.
    The place for Project: Zero Lead is to be found under depiction capital pay the bill the Make imperceptible Carja. Head over tot up Sunfall, befall to representation northwest watch the false map.2
    Go drop in the Fortification Courtyard.
    Head gloss to description courtyard cling test whether the Cover Carja tongue network disintegration down. Complicated the Campfire to set free before father any further.3Enter the Citadel.
    Enter the keep, following picture mercenaries slightly they muddle briefed impression a in mint condition bounty. Give the once over is ambit that paying attention will too receive rendering Traitor's Bounty side quest.4
    Go to depiction Grand Balcony and Ascend Down.
    Sylens desire tell support the expand down not bad by description broken bannister in depiction Grand Balcony. Go succeed the phase behind depiction throne coach and have a quick look left. Grow down simulation the drop levels strike the mottled path.5
    Use picture Secret Entrance.
    Use Sylen's hidden entrance give your backing to get bare the

    Horizon Zero Dawn: Deep Secrets of the Earth - Zero Dawn facility door puzzle, find Sobeck’s Office, how to beat the Behemoth

    Horizon Zero Dawn's Deep Secrets of the Earth is the next mission after To Curse the Darkness, which saw you take down your main obstacle, the Eclipse Network.

    Now it's time for some exploration of an intriguingly named facility, the home of Project: Zero Dawn.

    If you're after help for other parts of the game, consult our complete Horizon Zero Dawn walkthrough and guide.

    How to reach the Zero Dawn facility

    Soon after the start of this quest, you'll be faced with a no-turning-back moment. The entry to the Zero Dawn facility is a one-way trip, so be sure to stock up before going in, and prepare yourself not just with the usual equipment like traps and potions, but maybe even some tougher armour and weapons, too.

    Go to Sunfall - Follow the waypoint as usual.

    Go to the Citadel Courtyard - Once you're there, continue to follow waypoints.

    Enter the Citadel - And again... watching the cutscene inside the Citadel

    Climb down - It turns out there's a secret entrance into the important facility just down the edge of the citadel. It's a one-way trip once you're inside though, so make sure you prep first, before hopping down off the Citadel steps,

  • deep secrets of the earth walkthrough