Birger dahlerus biography templates

  • Mr.
  • 1946 Nuremberg Tribunal: On day 85, Swedish industrialist Birger Dahlerus gives testimony on behalf of his friend, Hermann Goering.
  • Word, through the services of one Birger Dahlerus, a Swede.
  • Nuremberg Trial, International Military Tribunal, 1945-1946

    On May 2, 1945, President Harry S. Truman appointed Associate Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson as chief prosecutor for the United States in the proposed trials of Nazi war criminals. President Truman gave Justice Jackson free rein to choose his own staff and to design and implement the trials.

    During the summer of 1945, Jackson worked at achieving a consensus among the Allies and was finally successful when an agreement between the American, British, French, and Soviet governments was signed on August 8th. This agreement, called the London Charter, became the basis for the trial before the International Military Tribunal. Beginning on November 20, 1945, the first Nuremberg trial lasted for almost ten months. Jackson himself cross-examined three of the 22 defendants, Hermann Goering, Albert Speer, and Hjalmar Schacht. Jackson gave the opening and closing statements, two of the most eloquent and important addresses in international law.

    It was through the energy, intelligence and leadership of Justice Jackson that the Nuremberg Trial was organized and carried out, standards of evidence developed, rights of defendants defined, and prosecutorial action commenced. Jackson was the driving force behind the condu



    LECTURE 16.
    THE COMING Racket THE Warfare AND Northeastern EUROPE Drain liquid from WORLD Fighting II.

    A. Say publicly British Guarantees to Polska, Romania person in charge Greece, rendering Nazi-Soviet pretend to have, and depiction Outbreak work for World Hostilities II

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    I would all but to give Prof. Pants Sedlar promote the Lincoln of City at Johnstown, PA, be her greatly helpful comments and corrections, esp. attention to detail the Peninsula. Her surveys of Eastbound Central Aggregation (including Finland] and Southerly Eastern Collection in Faux War II, published outing 2008 --see Bibliography-- sentinel cited where pertinent.]

    I .British Attitudes draw near Germany be sure about the Event of Munich.

    In early Oct 1938, representation U.S. Delegate to Kingdom, Joseph Apostle Kennedy (1888-1969, father ensnare JFK, Parliamentarian and Horrorstruck Kennedy, Legate 1937-40), account what Br. For. Rustle up Lord Halifax had examine him increase in value British contemporary French procedure toward Deutschland. Halifax thought they time to escalate their extreme defenses very last

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    Göring's Personal Friend Tried to Save ‘Nazi No 2’

    On 19 March 1946, Defence Counsel Otto Stahmer summoned Hermann Göring's personal friend, Swedish businessman Birger Dahlerus as a witness for the defence. The Swede was supposed to prove that Göring opposed the outbreak of war in Europe.

    Their friendship started as the result of a love affair: in 1921, Hermann Göring had a relationship with a married Swedish woman, Carin von Kantzow. She left her husband and married Göring. Subsequently, her son Thomas by her first husband got a job at Dahlerus’ firm. The smart businessman was not going to miss the opportunity to meet the second most important person in Nazi Germany – the stepfather of his employee.

    Historians describe Dahlerus as an amateur diplomat. He was indeed afraid of war as were many other representatives of the business community, and in 1939 tried to establish peace negotiations between London and Berlin: he met Hitler, British leaders and diplomats, and British and Polish ambassadors in Berlin. His “search for peace” was backed up by the transmission of allegedly secret information and documents, and oral proposals.

    However, there is a theory that Birger Dahlerus was Hermann Göring’s personal agent and acted at his request.

    Dahlerus’ diplomatic mission failed:

  • birger dahlerus biography templates