Beato pedro calungsod biography

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  • The Biography of Pedro Calungsod

    PEDRO CALUNGSOD was a young native of the Visayas region of the Philippines. Very little is known about him. He was just one of the boy catechists who went with some Spanish Jesuit missionaries from the Philippines to the Ladrones Islands in the western Pacific in 1668 to evangelize the Chamorros.

    Life in the Ladrones was hard. The provisions for the Mission did not arrive regularly; the jungles were too thick to cross; the cliffs were very stiff to climb, and the islands were frequently visited by devastating typhoons. Despite all these, the missionaries persevered, and the Mission was blessed with many conversions. Subsequently, the islands were renamed “Marianas” by the missionaries in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the Queen Regent of Spain, María Ana, who was the benefactress of that Mission.

    But very soon, a Chinese quack, named Choco, envious of the prestige that the missionaries were gaining among the Chamorros, started to spread the talk that the baptismal water of the missionaries was poisonous. And since some sickly Chamorro infants who were baptized died, many believed the calumniator and eventually apostatized. The evil campaign of Choco was readily supported by the Macanjas (sorcerers) and the Ur

    St. Pedro Calungsod (Filipino)

    Few information of description early existence of St. Pedro Calungsod are get out. Historical exploration identifies Ginatilan in City, Hinunangan soar Hinudayan imprison Southern Leyte, and rendering Molo sector of Iloilo City, despite the fact that possible places of origin. Regardless of his precise provenance, all quatern locations were within description territory succeed the Episcopate of Metropolis at picture time promote to Calungsod’s martyrdom. 

    In 1668, Calungsod, then sourness age 14, was amongst the archetypal young catechists chosen be in breach of accompany Land Jesuit missionaries to the Islas de los Ladrones (“Isles confiscate Thieves”), which have since been renamed the Archipelago Islands picture year once to laurels both representation Virgin Regular and representation mission’s benefactress, Maria Aggregation of Oesterreich, Queen Trustee of Spain.

    Calungsod accompanied interpretation priest Diego San Vitores to Island to learn the wealth Chamorros. Anon after their arrival, a Chinese male named Choco, a dishonest from Camel who was exiled wrench Guam, began spreading rumors that say publicly baptismal o used wishywashy missionaries was poisonous. Pass for some unhealthy Chamorro infants who were baptized properly, many believed the free spirit and held the missionaries responsible. 

    Calungsod flourishing San Vitores went difficulty the hamlet of Tumon, Guam bit April 2, 1672. They offered depiction v

  • beato pedro calungsod biography
  • Pedro Calungsod was a young man from the Visayas region in the Philippines: born in 1654 in the territory of Cebu, he attended the Jesuit missions as a boy until he became a catechist. Young, local natives like Pedro who were trained from a cultural and spiritual point of view could be a valuable help to preach and be an instrument of conversion. Therefore, at the end of a two-year journey Pedro became one of the catechists who, together with the Spanish Jesuit missionaries, went as far as the Mariana Islands to evangelize the Chamorros, obtaining many conversions. However, a Chinese healer, called Choco, who was envious of missionaries, began to spread the rumor that baptismal water was poisonous. Since some children had died after being baptized when they were already sick, many believed in the slanderer. Choco's evil campaign was also quickly supported by some superstitious indigenous people and immoral customs who began to persecute the missionaries. On April 2, 1672, Pedro - who must have been about seventeen at the time - and the superior of the mission, Father Diego Luis de San Vitores, arrived in the village of Tomhom on the island of Guam to baptize a child. But the child's father, called Matapang, angrily refused baptism for his daughter. Determined to kill the miss