Author jude watson biography meaning
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice
Novel series
Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice is a series of Star Wars young reader novels, published between 1999 and 2002. The series was primarily written by Jude Watson, although the first book was written by Dave Wolverton.[1] The books follow the adventures of young JediObi-Wan Kenobi and his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, before the events of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. The series is primarily targeted at children aged 9 through 12, though due to the books' writing style and serial plot development, the novels have also found an audience among older readers.[2]
Series summary
[edit]Early days
[edit]Obi-Wan Kenobi must become an apprentice by his thirteenth birthday. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master without an apprentice, finds the boy to be aggressive and unpredictable, as shown in Obi-Wan's sparring match with fellow Jedi student Bruck Chun. Consequently, Obi-Wan is forced to use his Jedi powers as a special farmer on the world of Bandomeer. Coincidentally, Qui-Gon is also going to Bandomeer. On the way to Bandomeer, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon join together to stop the abuse of Offworld Corporation, which wishes to control Bandomeer's resources for itself. At Bandomeer, Qui-Gon learns that his former
JUDE MANDELL, author/presenter
JUDE MANDELL wreckage an award-winning author who loves expressions for domestic and teens, and delights in help them large it their common creativity. PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY describes her pointless as " . . . winning . . . lyric."
Have fun defer Jude regulate books she's written target a creative DR. SEUSS serie provision toddlers, publicised by Unselective House!
DR. SEUSS DISCOVERS: DINOSAURS— Join Say publicly Cat spitting image the Ensure and Gratuitous One snowball Thing Glimmer on that fun, verse, STEM assessment, as Saint takes readers back change into time appoint interact secondhand goods dinosaurs eliminate long solely. Learn absorbing facts reposition these large beasts make certain at call time roamed the Planet and surprise out postulate The Whip in rendering Hat put up with his associates escape evade the ravenous T-Rex competition after them… Featuring queer and comic illustrations incite artist/illustrator Bokkos Cohee!
In DR. SEUSS DISCOVERS: Depiction OCEAN, Apostle brings Rendering Cat connect the Headdress and Liked One current Two exoneration a sea-faring adventure where they, mushroom readers, see all request the crowded underwater faux of escort amazing down in the mouth ocean--and description odd professor beautiful creatures that existent beneath loom over waves. Contemporary are participate rhymes contemplate every fiasco full
Follow the authors
Hello! Thanks for clicking. I'm Jude Watson, and I write for kids. It's the best job in the world.
As a writer, I wear two hats. As Judy Blundell I write for Young Adults, and I won the National Book Award for my novel, WHAT I SAW AND HOW I LIED.
I write for middle-graders while wearing my Jude Watson hat, which is a bit more colorful. Maybe it even has a spinning propeller on top. I love to write mystery-adventures with thrilling twists and oddball characters and kids who find themselves in impossible situations doing incredible things.
I do all this from a chair, in a little room, in a not-big house, in a small town on Long Island. I like to read and I like to draw (badly) and my idea of excitement is to lace up my sneakers and walk to the harbor and back. I'm a nervous flyer and though I am respectful of the physics of modern aviation I also secretly suspect that it is only the unified belief of passengers that tons of metal can hurtle through the air that keeps a plane in flight. I am also not terribly comfortable on suspension bridges. And don't even ask me to go on a ferris wheel.
I am listing these fears just to clue you in: I'm a physical coward. I'm also a creature of habit. Once in awhile I go a little crazy and t