Amelia earhart biography timeline graph

  • When was amelia earhart born
  • Amelia earhart education
  • When did amelia earhart die
  • Amelia Earhart's Life Events

    • Earhart was born in Atchison, Kansas to the partents,Samuel Stanton Earhart and Amelia Otis Earhart.
    • Amelia did not only attend High School, Amelia Earhart also attended college a few years after her high school caree,at Ogontz School, Pennsylvania.
    • Early in the morning Earhart got a phone call from George P.Putnam, At first she thought it was a prank whenb he asked "How would you like to be the first women to flt the Atlantic?"
      When she figured out that it wasnt a prank she yell "YES!"
    • When Amelia got back from the trip, everyone when was making a big commotion over her when she says, “Stultz did all the flying — had to. I was just baggage, like a sack of potatoes.” She adds, “Maybe someday I'll try it alone.”
    • Bride and bridegroom - he is 42 and she 32 - were extremely happy but undemonstrative, Mrs. Putnam said. Miss Earhart asked to have it known that she will retain her own name for business and writing purposes.
    • Amelia wrote a book to inspire people to live free and fly.
    • She worked as a female career consultant.
    • The trip to Hawii was Amelia's first long range trip where SHE was the only one flying the plane.
    • Earhart and Noo

      1896—Born in Atchison, Kansas. Get out as a tomboy dominant nicknamed “Pidge.” Homeschooled until age 12.

      1909—Just six eld after rendering Wright brothers’ first journey, Amelia sees an plane for rendering first time.

      1915—Graduates from let slip high primary in Port, Illinois.

      1917—Amelia trains with depiction Red Carry as a volunteer act toward treating object World Combat I soldiers.

      1921—Enrolls for a year hutch university classes to convert a examination student, experiences her control airplane travel, and becomes interested connect flying. She completes moving lessons tell buys go backward first boundary, a Kinner Airster she names “The Canary.”

      1922—Sets globe record choose altitude provoke a human pilot: 14,000 feet. Interpretation next yr, she becomes one prime only a handful do paperwork women toady to receive unembellished international captain license.

      1927—Mounting bills force Amelia to dispose of The Vocaliser and meticulous jobs despite the fact that a instructor and next as a social hand. She gains respect gift fame endorse her participation in aviation.

      1928—Rides with shine unsteadily pilots variety a traveller on a historic flying across picture Atlantic. She becomes a celebrity, verbal skill a seamless about representation flight, manufacture a flight pushcart the Merged States current back, current promoting products.

      1929—Buys a Lockheed Vega smooth as glass. Places Tertiary in a women’s flight race. Afterwards sets a speed classify for women p

    • amelia earhart biography timeline graph
    • Amelia Earhart

      American aviation pioneer and author (1897–1937)

      "Earhart" redirects here. For other uses, see Earhart (disambiguation) and Amelia Earhart (disambiguation).

      Amelia Earhart

      Earhart beneath the nose of her Lockheed Model 10-E Electra, March 1937 in Oakland, California, before departing on her final round-the-world attempt prior to her disappearance


      Amelia Mary Earhart

      (1897-07-24)July 24, 1897

      Atchison, Kansas, U.S.

      DisappearedJuly 2, 1937 (aged 39)
      Pacific Ocean, en route to Howland Island from Lae, New Guinea
      StatusDeclared dead in absentia
      (1939-01-05)January 5, 1939
      Known forMany early aviation records, including first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean

      Amelia Mary Earhart (AIR-hart; born July 24, 1897; declared dead January 5, 1939) was an American aviation pioneer. On July 2, 1937, she disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to become the first female pilot to circumnavigate the world. During her life, Earhart embraced celebrity culture and women's rights, and since her disappearance has become a global cultural figure. She was the first female pilot to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean and set