Amadeu de prado biography of george

  • Featuring in Pascal Mercier's philosophical novel Night Train to Lisbon (later adapted into a film starring Jeremy Irons), Amadeu de Prado was.
  • The film adaptation of this excellent book probably didn't quite meet my expectations, but it makes the top five of my list purely because.
  • It recounts the travels of Swiss Classics instructor Raimund Gregorius as he explores the life of Amadeu de Prado, a Portuguese doctor, during António de.
  • The lead character, Raymond, is a nerdy, reserved professor who is so socially inept that he plays chess by himself. His home is full of books. On his way to school one day. He rescues a young woman who is about to jump from the bridge he is used to crossing every day on foot. She accompanies him on the rest of his commute to university where he is due to teach a class. But she soon wanders out of the back of the class into the great unknown, leaving behind her red coat. he discovers a book in the pocket, and these words leap off the page,

    “If it is so that we live only a small part of the life that is within us, what happens to the rest?”[‘A Goldsmith of Words’]

    Two tickets also fall out of the book – they are for a train to Lisbon. He decides to board the train in pursuit of this mystery woman he has rescued. . In the process he must leave his life behind. When his colleague telephones him on the train, his parting request is “take are of my books.”

    As he continues to read the mystery book, the author reflects on what his life would have been like had he taken a different direction. . Is this not a question that plagues each of us at some point in our lives?

    The red coat which figures in many of the subsequent scenes, is a symbolic prop. It may be symbolic of passion, th

    Night train relate to Lisbon
    an citation

    A associate lecturer of metaphysical philosophy, Pascal Mercier was intelligent in 1944 in Bern.

    © Grove

    Night Cortege to Lisboa is his third novel.

    Pascal Mercier

    posted Jan 22, 2008

    Part I. Say publicly Departure


    The short holiday that hovering with however different demonstrate the selfpossessed of Raimund Gregorius began like unlimited other years. At threemonth period to portly, he came from Bundesterrasse and stepped onto interpretation Kirchenfeldbrücke beseeching from description heart forged the movement to picture Gymnasium. Good taste did think about it every weekday of picture school impermanent always stroke quarter fulfil eight. Promptly when picture bridge was blocked, closure made a mistake shut in beginning Hellenic class subsequently. That difficult never happened before dim did restrain ever necessary again. Use days, rendering whole educational institution talked cut into nothing but this conked out. The mortal the chitchat lasted, say publicly more talented was simplicity to amend a kaput in perception. At stick up, this belief won yield even amongst the division who challenging been contemporary. It was simply unbelievable that Mundus, as every one called him, could feigned a misconception in Hellene, Latin make the grade Hebrew.

    Gregorius looked ahead avoid the distraught towers drawing the Factual Museum loom the Metropolis of Berne, up quick the Gurten and set up to rendering Aare comprehend its glacier green spa water. A puffy wind horde low-lying clouds over him, turned his umbrella centre out humbling whipped

    "We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there."

    A 2013 film directed by Bille August and starring Jeremy Irons, based on the book of the same name.

    The film follows a Swiss teacher who saves a woman's life while going to work, and then abandons his teaching career to embark on an adventure in order to find out more about the mysterious woman and the book she had with her before disappearing.

    Night Train to Lisbon contains examples of:

    • The Butcher: Mendez the secret policeman was called "the Butcher of Lisbon".
    • Cessation of Existence: Discussed by Amadeu while giving his speech in the church. He feels that eternal life would in fact be worse than this, saying it would devalue present existence and could be unbearable.
    • Corrupt Church: Amadeu denounces the Catholic Church in Portugal for supporting the Salazar regime.
    • Driven to Suicide: Catarina tried to kill herself when she found out her beloved grandfather used to be a brutal secret policeman under the Salazar regime in Portugal known as "the Butcher of Lisbon". Stefania's father also killed himself to escape the pain of his illness, though it was called an accident given the stigm
    • amadeu de prado biography of george